SiGe Semiconductor was established in 1996.The headquarter is located in Andover,Massachusetts.They are engaging in providing highly integrated RF semiconductor. They own the front end solutions that made wireless multimedia® are generally used in the computing, home entertainment, networking, and mobile applications.Their key operating centers in Ottawa, Hong Kong and have design centers in England's East Anglia region and Southern California and sales offices in China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. SiGe product line includes Bluetooth,ZigBee, GPS, WiMAX, and Wi-Fi solutions, RF signal chain.Their the leader of the radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers and RF front end modules for Wi-Fi solutions in the market.They have the RF design expertise and can provide the products which the OEMs needed.Since they founded,they have shipped more than 500 million front end solutions for Wi-Fi front end modules and power amplifiers. According to the latest data analysis,SiGeare one of the largest suppliers about this type of product.Their revenue are growing by more than 40% annually in five of the last six fiscal years, so they have been recognized as one of the fastest growing semiconductor companies in North America.