The Diotec Semiconductor, founded in 1973 in Heitersheim, Germany, is one of the market leaders in the electronic device field. The Diotec Semiconductor offers one of the widest ranges of products and fastest delivery time. Diotec has been active in this highly competitive market for more than 30 years, because it knows about how semiconductor production, innovations and customer service. Know how: Silicon Chip is the heart of Diotec Semiconductor. The Diotec Semiconductor cares about every step of production, even produce the equipments, while many suppliers just buy the chips and assemble them into a package. Innovations: since life cycle of a mobile is less than half a year today, innovation is the way to attract the customers, for example, The Diotec Semiconductor produces some devices which are small sized and with low price. The Diotec Semiconductor provides a wide range of services, for example: 24 hours regular response time to your requests during business hours, it offers customized solutions for semiconductor chips, packages, configuration of leads, etc. The products of Diotec Semiconductor includes standard rectifiers, fast switching rectifiers, superfast switching rectifiers, ultrafast switching rectifiers, high voltage rectifiers and so on. It advocates the environmental protection in the entire process of production. The Diotec Semiconductor will have a bright future by sticking its own way in this field!