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The World’s Most Admired Companies" ranking: ASML tops first, TSMC jumps to sixth

September 08, 2021


A few days ago, the Future Brand Index released a list of the top 100 brands in 2021. A SML unexpectedly ranked first, and TSMC rose from 19 in the previous year to sixth.


Unlike the rankings of brands such as Fortune 500, the Future Brand Index does not evaluate financial indicators, but uses 100 global companies selected by the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) as the basis. 3000 experts are invited to Inspiration, innovation, independence, company leadership, employee quality and other 18 different aspects of the score re-ranking, the selection is the most respected level.

In this list, Apple ranked first five years ago. Last year it was first. This year it fell to second. The new first is ASML, which ranked eighth last year. South African technology investment company Prosus ranked third, followed by the United States. Medical company Danaher, American new energy company Next Era Energy.

TSMC quickly rose from the previous 13th place to sixth place. Like ASML, it has performed well in semiconductors.

The 2021 list is closely related to the changes in the new crown epidemic in the past year. Semiconductor, new energy and medical companies have risen in this list. Some consumer companies, such as Nike, L'Oreal, and Starbucks, have fallen sharply, and many have fallen out of the list. Out of 20 people.

It is worth mentioning that Samsung has some exceptions. In 2020, it will still be ranked third in the world, and it will only be ranked 13th this year.