September 14, 2020
By definition:
EMC includes EMI (interference) and EMS (susceptibility), that is, electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic anti-interference.
EMI, electromagnetic interference degree, describes the interference of electronic and electrical products to the outside world under normal working conditions; EMI also includes conducted interference CE (conducTIonemission) and radiated interference RE (radiaTIonemission) and harmonic harmonic.
EMS, electromagnetic immunity, describes whether an electronic or electrical product will be interfered by its surrounding environment or other electronic or electrical products in the same electrical environment and affect its normal operation.
EMS also includes electrostatic anti-interference ESD, conduction anti-interference CS, radiation anti-interference RS, electrical fast transient pulse group immunity EFT, surge immunity Surge, voltage sag immunity VoltageDIPandInterrupt.
In summary, the difference between EMI, EMS, and EMC testing is: different in nature and purpose.
1. Different in nature
1. EMI: EMI is an interference phenomenon caused by electromagnetic waves and electronic components.
2, EMS: EMS is the ease of performance degradation due to electromagnetic energy.
3, EMC: EMC is the ability of the electromagnetic energy generated by the equipment to neither interfere with other equipment, nor to interfere with the electromagnetic energy of other equipment.
2. Different purposes
1. EMI: The purpose of EMI is to detect the interference problems often encountered in electronic and electrical products.
2. EMS: The purpose of EMS is to test product quality, personal safety and environmental protection.
3, EMC: The purpose of EMC is to detect the influence of electromagnetic radiation generated by electrical products on the human body, the power grid in public places and other electrical products that work normally.