March 05, 2021
1 Electromagnetic compatibility
ElectromagneTIcCompaTIbility, EMC, can make electrical installations or systems in a common electromagnetic environment, neither affected by the electromagnetic environment, nor will it cause such an impact on the environment.
2 electromagnetic environment
ElectromagneTIcEnvironment, the sum of all electromagnetic phenomena existing in a given place.
3 semi-anechoic chamber
Semi-anechoic Chamber, except for the reflective grounding plate installed on the ground, the other inner surfaces are all equipped with a shielded room with absorbing materials.
4 far field
FarField, a field in which the power density generated by the antenna is approximately inversely proportional to the square of the distance. For a dipole antenna, this field is equivalent to a distance greater than λ/2π, where λ is the radiation wavelength.
5 field strength
FieldStrength, the term field strength only applies to far-field measurements. The measurement can be an electric field component or a magnetic field component, and can be converted into units such as V/m, A/m or W/m².
6 noise
Noise, unintentional or useless signals in the environment and circuits.
7 Harassment
Disturbance, any electromagnetic phenomenon that may cause a decrease in the performance of a device, equipment, or system or cause damage to animate or inanimate substances. Remarks: Electromagnetic disturbance may be electromagnetic noise, unwanted signals or changes in the propagation medium itself.
8 electromagnetic interference
ElectromagneTIcInterference, EMI, the degradation of equipment, transmission channel or system performance caused by harassment.
9 launch
Emission, the phenomenon of electromagnetic energy emitted from the source.
10 radiated emission
RadiateEmission, a phenomenon in which energy is emitted from a source to space in the form of electromagnetic waves, is sometimes called Radiate Disturbance.
11 Conducted emission
ConductEmission, a phenomenon in which energy is conducted from one source to another by a conductive medium in the form of voltage or current, is sometimes referred to as conduction disturbance (Conduct Disturbance).
12 Conducted interference
ConductInterference, the degradation of equipment, transmission channel or system performance caused by energy in the form of voltage or current disturbance.
13 Radiated interference
RadiateInterference, the degradation of equipment, transmission channel or system performance caused by energy in the form of electromagnetic wave disturbance.
14 performance degradation
Degradation of Performance, the unintended deviation of the working performance of a device, equipment or system from the normal performance.
15 Immunity to harassment
ImmunitytoaDisturbance, the ability of a device, equipment or system to face electromagnetic disturbances without reducing its operating performance.
16 electromagnetic susceptibility
ElectromagneticSusceptibility, in the presence of electromagnetic disturbance, the ability of a device, equipment or system to not avoid performance degradation. Remarks: High sensitivity, low immunity.
17 Electrostatic discharge
Electrostatic Discharge, ESD, is the charge transfer caused by objects with different electrostatic potentials close to each other or in direct contact.
18 Harassment restrictions
LimitofDischargeturbance, corresponding to the maximum allowable level of electromagnetic disturbance for the specified measurement method.
19 EMC level
ElectromagneticCompatibilityLevel, which is expected to be added to the maximum electromagnetic disturbance level specified on the device, equipment or system working under specified conditions.
20 Emission level of disturbance source
EmissionLevelofaDisturbanceSource, a given electromagnetic disturbance level emitted by a specific device, equipment or system measured by a prescribed method.
21 immunity level
ImmunityLevel, the maximum disturbance level when a given electromagnetic disturbance is applied to a certain device, equipment or system while it can still work normally and maintain the required performance level.
22 Immunity limit
ImmunityLimit, the specified minimum immunity level.
23 Immunity margin
ImmunityMargin, the difference between the immunity limit of a device, equipment or system and the electromagnetic compatibility level.
24 EMC margin
ElectromagneticCompatibilityMargin, the difference between the immunity limit of the device, equipment or system and the emission limit of the disturbance source.
25 Harassment suppression
DisturbanceSuppression, measures to weaken or eliminate harassment.
26 Interference suppression
InterferenceSuppression, measures to weaken or eliminate interference.
27 Transient
Transient, a physical quantity and physical phenomenon that changes between two adjacent stable states, whose change time is less than the time scale of interest.
28 pulses
Pulse, a sudden change in a short period of time, all physical quantities that quickly return to their initial values.
29 pulse rise time
RisetimeofaPulse, the time it takes for the pulse transient value to rise from a given lower limit to a given upper limit for the first time.
30 rising edge
Rise, the time required for an amount to change from 10% to 90% of the peak value.
31 impulse noise
PmpulsiveNoise, the noise that appears on a specific device as a series of clear pulses or transients.
32 pulse disturbance
Impulsive Disturbance, a series of clear pulses or transient electromagnetic disturbances that appear on a particular device or equipment.
33 Power Harassment
Mains-borne Disturbance, electromagnetic disturbance transmitted to the device via the power supply line.
34 power supply immunity
MainsImmunity, immunity to power disturbance.
35 power supply decoupling
MainsDecoupling, the ratio of the voltage applied to a specified position of the power supply to the voltage value applied to the specified input terminal of the device and has the same disturbance effect on the device.
36 shell radiation
CabinetRadiation, the radiation generated by the equipment shell, does not include the radiation generated by the connected antenna or cable.
37 Coupling
Coupling, in a given cable, the electromagnetic quantity (usually voltage or current) is transmitted from a specified location to another specified location in the form of a magnetic field, electric field, voltage, and current.
38 coupling path
CouplingPath, the path through which part or all of the electromagnetic energy is transmitted from a prescribed path to another circuit or device.
39 shield
Screen is a measure used to reduce the penetration of the field to the designated area.
40 electromagnetic shielding
ElectromagneticScreen, which uses conductive materials to reduce the penetration of alternating electromagnetic fields to the designated area.
41 linear impedance stabilization network
LineImpedanceStabilizationNetwork, LISN, can increase a stable impedance between the EUT terminal and the reference ground, or between the terminals within the radio frequency range, while isolating the useless signal from the power supply from the measurement circuit, and only coupling the interference voltage of the EUT To the input of the receiver.
42 device under test
EquipmentunderTest, EUT, the equipment being tested.
43 auxiliary equipment
AE, the equipment used to ensure the normal operation of the equipment under test during EMC testing.