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Features of software-defined storage.

March 25, 2021


1. Distributed storage prevails

In fact, distributed storage has already appeared, just like SDS has been around for several years. The advantages of distributed storage architecture are naturally high performance and flexibility. At the same time, the SDS storage method can realize elastic expansion of calculation, performance and storage capacity, and realize estimation. After the node is expanded, the system will automatically load balance, thus avoiding the problem of single point overheating.


Distributed storage can flexibly choose price and performance. Software-defined storage makes it possible. At the same time, software-defined storage is more cost-effective than traditional storage.

2. High reliability

In the era of big data, data has become an asset that enterprises are paying more and more attention to. Therefore, the consistency and reliability of data are of the utmost importance. Compared with the traditional storage architecture, SDS uses a multiple-book backup mechanism. In other words, to maintain a high degree of consistency between copies, one copy is used to write and multiple copies are read. If the data reading fails, the data is read through other copies. If the data is in an inconsistent state for a long time, the system will automatically rebuild and restore the data. At the same time, users can set the data recovery bandwidth limit to minimize the impact on the main business.

3. Strong compatibility

With the rapid development of technology nowadays, the emergence of various technologies makes mutual compatibility between products more and more important. SDS is well compatible with various cloud platforms and provides various back-end storage services. At the same time, the development of SDS is also advancing the standardization process of the storage industry, giving priority to the use of industry standard interfaces (SMI-S) for storage access. Through heterogeneous storage, centralized management of resources is realized, cross-brand, cut-off disaster recovery backup is realized, and storage TCO is correspondingly reduced.

4. Realize hierarchical storage

The concept of hierarchical storage has once again entered people's field of vision because of the popularity of flash memory. Due to loosely coupled links through the network, SDS allows separate deployment of notification and low-speed storage, or mixed deployment in any proportion. SDS's software-defined storage enables hierarchical storage, which can make better use of existing resources and save costs to achieve resource hierarchical storage.

The advantage of SDS (SoftwareDefinedStorage) software-defined storage is to continue writing instructions with software. Although hardware and traditional physical storage devices still occupy a place in the data center, the use of open storage architecture has also become a major trend in the development of the storage field this year, and will also become the future development direction.