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Micron's first 3D XPoint flash demonstrated the power of 3D XPoint flash!

Published :11/28/2019 3:04:02 AM

Click Count:2103

The speed and durability of Intel's autron series flash drives are impressive because they use the latest 3D XPoint flash.Meguiar's 3D XPoint, which was developed in collaboration with Intel, finally announced its first 3D XPoint product, the X100, yesterday

Micron's announced its own 3D XPoint brand, QuantX, back in April 2017, but it wasn't until more than two years later that they launched their first official product.The new X100 is aimed at high-end enterprise users and USES the NVMe protocol and PCIe 3.0x16 interface, although micron's didn't classify the new product under the original QuantX line, instead calling it the X100, and it looks like they may have abandoned the QuantX line

Micron's also not disclose too much X100 performance details, from the perspective of the information of website, the order of the X100, speaking, reading and writing through 10 gb/s, 4 k random throughput of about 2.5 M IOPS, continuing to read and write latency is lower than NAND SSD on 11 times, in a mixed scenario can also keep the 9 gb/s transmission speed, the performance data have been enough to let it become the strongest SSD, show the power of 3 d XPoint flash memory.In meguiar's list, the X100's read-write latency is two microseconds lower than Intel's autron series

However, micron's also announced that the X100 is a limited sample for some customers, and that consumers will have to wait to see micron's 3D XPoint flash memory in the consumer market.But the price of the 3 d Point sure is high, it is provided by a high speed between memory and NAND SSD storage medium, Intel and even the memory to use it as a system, directly to the DIMM packaging form directly make it, and on its own processor in the face of a little memory controller to modify to support 3 d XPoint, don't know micron's future with 3 d XPoint to do what