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How do you deal with Error_Handler() in the HAL library of STM32?

November 19, 2020 by Yazmin 8495

I would like to ask you how to deal with the Error_Handler() function when using the STM32 HAL library?

void Error_Handler(void)
  /* USER CODE BEGIN Error_Handler */
  /* User can add his own implementation to report the HAL error return state */
  /* USER CODE END Error_Handler */ 

All Comments

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Jaheim Posted on November 19, 2020

Normally, it will not run to here. If you want the program to have error reporting or self-checking function, you can add another program to judge by yourself.

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Soraya Posted on November 19, 2020

Look at the official routine of CUBE.

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Daryl Posted on November 19, 2020

Hardware errors are generally procedural problems. . Just modify the program.

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Raya Posted on November 19, 2020

Generally do not do anything, just jump into this and honestly check the program.


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