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Zhaoyi Innovation and IAR Systems further strengthen the cooperation relationship in the field of Arm development.

Published :12/4/2020 2:00:34 AM

Click Count:2103

On December 3, 2020, IAR Systems®, a provider of future-oriented embedded development software tools and services, announced that it will continue to deepen cooperation with GigaDevice, the industry’s leading semiconductor supplier, and provide GigaDevice with the GD32 series based on Arm Cortex. The MCU product family of ®-M core provides powerful solutions. In June 2020, IAR Systems and Zhaoyi Innovation announced a partnership in the RISC-V field. Now, the two companies have further extended the cooperation relationship to the Arm field, strengthening the support of development tools for Zhaoyi's innovative Arm® Cortex®-M3, Cortex®-M4, Cortex®-M23 and Cortex®-M33 core MCU product families , So as to provide high-quality embedded applications for many industry users.


Zhaoyi Innovation GD32 series MCU adopts Arm Cortex®-M3, Cortex®-M4, Cortex®-M23 and Cortex®-M33 cores, providing high performance, low power consumption and high cost performance. GD32 MCU is equipped with Zhaoyi's innovative and advanced gFlash® memory patented technology, which provides rich functions and design flexibility. The complete development tool chain IAR Embedded Workbench® for Arm provides developers with everything they need in an easy-to-use integrated development environment.

The tool chain has extensive debugging and analysis functions, including complex code and data breakpoints, runtime stack analysis, call stack visualization, code coverage analysis, and comprehensive power consumption monitoring. In order to ensure code quality, the development environment also integrates the static code analysis tool C-STAT and the runtime analysis tool C-RUN. In addition, IAR Systems' well-known support and service system also provides strong technical support.

Jin Guangyi, Director of Zhaoyi Innovation Product Marketing, said: “Thanks to the extensive layout of products and the continuous enrichment of the ecology, the Zhaoyi Innovation GD32 MCU has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. From now on, our users can use IAR Embedded Workbench® for Arm, which is Maximizing the debugging and optimization of MCU code has taken an important step. I am very pleased to continue in-depth cooperation with IAR Systems to provide users with high-performance, cost-effective microcontrollers and toolsets to achieve the best performance.

Anders Holmberg, General Manager of Embedded Development Tools at IAR Systems, said: "I am very pleased to add support for GigaDevice GD32 MCUs to our world-leading Arm development tools. GigaDevice is becoming an increasingly important force in the embedded industry. Zhaoyi Innovation works closely to provide flexible and powerful solutions in more development applications based on Arm and RISC-V."

The 8.50.9 version of IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm now provides support for the Gigafactory GD32 series of Arm MCUs.