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This time Nvidia chose Samsung.

Published :9/4/2020 2:03:32 AM

Click Count:2103

Nvidia released the next-generation GPU GeForce RTX 30 series on September 1, local time, and announced that it will use Samsung Electronics’ 8nm casting process to produce new products.


So far, Nvidia has relied on TSMC to produce its main products and only uses Samsung Electronics to produce some low-priced products.


Nvidia’s order to Samsung came after a recent contract with IBM to produce CPUs for next-generation servers. This will help Samsung Electronics expand its foundry sales in the third quarter of this year and narrow the market share gap with TSMC. Nvidia’s large order volume will help Samsung Electronics win orders from major customers such as AMD and Intel in the future.


Initially, many experts predicted that TSMC would be selected to produce Nvidia's next-generation GeForce RTX 30 GPU series. But in the end, Nvidia chose Samsung Electronics, and analysts believe that its decision takes into account Samsung's competitiveness in semiconductor micromanufacturing and price.


Nvidia's next-generation GPU performance is twice that of the previous generation, but the price has not increased. The EUV process requires the use of expensive equipment. TSMC and Samsung Electronics are the only two companies in the world that can produce semiconductor products below 7nm, while the only company that can produce 8nm processes is Samsung Electronics.


Some experts predict that by obtaining a large number of orders from Nvidia, Samsung Electronics will be able to quickly narrow the gap with TSMC. In August of this year, Samsung Electronics signed a contract to produce IBM Power 10, a CPU for next-generation servers. In February of this year, the company agreed to produce Qualcomm's new 5G mobile communication modem chip X60. Nvidia, Qualcomm and IBM are all huge customers that can determine the future of the casting market. In fact, under the full competition between Samsung and TSMC, it has become farther and farther away from the wafer foundries behind.