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The three major operators in South Africa backed Huawei. Huawei became the big winner of Pengcheng Cloud Brain's 2.8 billion single purchase.

Published :8/21/2020 1:55:10 AM

Click Count:2103

Recently, the three major South African operators, Vodacom, MTN, and Rain, all expressed their support and support for Huawei in an interview.

A Vodacom spokesperson said that the UK's decision on Huawei should not be inferred to other countries. "So far, there has been no public document proving that Huawei's network equipment has any security issues." He said: "We will continue to follow the government's guidelines and believe that the decision on suppliers should be based on facts."

Jacqui O’Sullivan, Head of Corporate Affairs of MTN Group South Africa, said that MTN has deployed Huawei’s 5G wireless access network equipment and has never found any so-called security issues. MTN is part of many organizations, including GSMA and TSECTTWG (Trustability and Software Engineering Capability Transformation Technology Working Group), among which TSECTTWG is composed of telecom network operators from Europe, the United Kingdom and the Middle East, as well as academia’s "big Composed of "coffee"-level figures.

Rain’s chief marketing officer Khaya Dlanga emphasized that the UK’s decision has not had any impact on South Africa.

Huawei became the big winner of Pengcheng Cloud Brain's 2.8 billion single purchase.

Recently, the Pengcheng Laboratory, approved by the Guangdong Provincial Government, carried out the single-source procurement of the first phase of the informatization project of the Pengcheng Cloud Brain II Expansion Project. The budget of the proposed procurement project is 2.818 billion yuan. The Government Procurement Network made public announcements before approval.

The proposed supplier this time is a consortium formed by Shenzhen SD Information Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Smart City Technology Development Group Co., Ltd.

The project is a large-scale major information technology facility with the goal of AI peak 1000P, IO500 and AI Benchmark testing internationally advanced. It has unique advantages in performance, scalability, energy efficiency ratio, open software ecology, use and operating costs, etc. The Shenzhen Municipal Government combined its own advantages and characteristics to vigorously promote the construction of a comprehensive national science center in Shenzhen.

It is reported that the reason and explanation of the single-source procurement method adopted for this project are as follows:

This project is an important milestone in the launch of the E-level computing power cloud brain strategy, and will lay a solid foundation for the establishment of the world's leading AI cluster research platform. The system needs to adopt an advanced AI chip architecture suitable for tensor calculation. The computing power provided by a single AI processor is among the best in the industry, with a computing power of more than 256tflops per chip. In addition, in view of the expansion design goal of Yunbrain II, the AI cluster required to support must have various high-complexity overall machine capabilities such as AI chips, high-speed interconnection between chips, and cluster system software. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. has newly launched an industry-leading AI computing cluster, which meets the design needs of this Cloud Brain II expansion.

The construction content of this project involves the application of a number of advanced technologies in software and hardware, which are demanding and difficult, and need to be autonomous and controllable. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.'s AI computing cluster and supporting related software are independently developed and have independent intellectual property rights to ensure technological advancement and independent control.


According to relevant data, in May this year, Pengcheng Laboratory also purchased the "Pengcheng Cloud Brain II Basic Equipment" with a total budget of 35 million yuan, and it also purchased Huawei from a single source.

Previously, the peak performance of the Pengcheng Cloud Brain I had reached 100 PFLOPS, while the Pengcheng Cloud Brain II was an AI supercomputing system that could freely expand the AI computing power to 1,000 P, based on the Huawei Atlas 900 AI cluster. Through diversified heterogeneous computing platforms, multi-source algorithm platforms, and multi-state intelligent applications, it supports model training and reasoning for major AI applications, which can be used for autonomous driving, urban brains, smart medical care, smart transportation, speech recognition, natural language processing, etc. Application scenarios.