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Japanese media: Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will cooperate with US IBM to develop cutting-edge semiconductors

Published :6/9/2021 3:53:12 AM

Click Count:2103

According to news from the Nikkei Chinese website on June 8, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan will cooperate with IBM of the United States to plan to strengthen Japan-US cooperation in the semiconductor supply chain and strengthen the development of cutting-edge semiconductors.

According to reports, IBM will join the joint development framework of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. The cooperation between IBM, a leader in semiconductor design and basic research, and Japanese companies that have an advantage in semiconductor production equipment, will help establish manufacturing technology as soon as possible.

In the joint development framework of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, in addition to Japanese manufacturers such as Deans and Tokyo Electronics, a total of 7 companies including TSMC and Intel’s Japanese subsidiaries have joined.

In March of this year, Intel and IBM, which have been in a competitive relationship for many years, established a cooperative relationship. IBM provides Intel with a license and plans to achieve mass production together with Japanese semiconductor manufacturing equipment companies.

On May 6, IBM debuted its 2nm process chip. Compared with the current mainstream 7nm chip, the performance of the IBM 2nm chip is expected to increase by 45% and energy consumption will be reduced by 75%.