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Chip foundry company Power Semiconductor Manufacturing has begun to negotiate 2023 orders with customers

Published :6/17/2021 10:25:02 AM

Click Count:2103

According to foreign media reports, the global chip shortage that started in the automotive sector this year has spread to many manufacturers such as Ford and Hyundai, and it is still continuing. Chips in smart phones and home appliances are also in short supply.

The supply of chips in many fields is in short supply, which has also boosted the demand for chip foundries. Many chip foundries have begun to operate at full capacity in the first quarter of this year.

While the production capacity of chip foundries is generally tight, and it takes time for new factories to expand production capacity, the production capacity of chip foundries for a period of time in the future will become the focus of attention of chip suppliers, and they have been striving for more capacity support from foundries to ensure Sufficient chip supply.

The latest reports in English media show that chip suppliers are not only concerned about the production capacity of important chip foundries such as TSMC and Samsung Electronics, but also the production capacity of other chip foundries.

The English media mentioned in the report that the foundry orders for 8-inch and 12-inch wafers of Power Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. continue to increase, and they are also negotiating with customers for chip orders in 2023.