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Why don't analog signal lines need to consider impedance design?

Hardware design
February 03, 2021 by Lydia 609


1) I would like to ask why the general analog signal does not need to consider impedance design? How much is better to consider?

2) Why the thicker the analog signal line, the better? Does it make sense? Is it the ability to resist interference?

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Nolan Posted on February 3, 2021

Isn't the simulation voltage and current? It must be better for the voltage and current to be wider.

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Melanie Posted on February 3, 2021

The analog signal should be the voltage sensitive point? If the thicker the painting, isn’t there a poor anti-interference ability?

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Brody Posted on February 3, 2021

Impedance matching is not as small as possible. There are six factors that affect impedance, and line width is only one.


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