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Does L496 only have serial communication via USART2?

Hardware design
November 26, 2020 by Justin 654

Learning USART serial communication. There is st-link on the STM32L496-disco board that can be connected to USART2, but there are no other interfaces that can be connected to USART on the schematic diagram. As shown. Does it mean that L496 can only communicate with serial port via USART2? The reference manual says that there are USART1, USART3, UART4 and UART5. Not too clear.

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Hunter Posted on November 26, 2020

The figure is only the schematic diagram of the STLINK part. The landlord should consult the L496 chip manual to find the USART related pins. For example, the development board schematic diagram has the related pins of F496:

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Adam Posted on November 26, 2020

Other serial ports can definitely be used, but the serial port on the development board is used for other functions, or it is derived from the IO port, and you can use it when you find the corresponding port configuration in the program.

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Evan Posted on November 26, 2020

Check the datasheet, find the corresponding pins, and then pay attention to the multiplexing function when writing the program. If you have a USB to TTL like CH340, you can connect these two pins. Pay attention to the lead of the two devices. The pins should be cross-connected (TX connects to RX, RX connects to TX)

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Kevin Posted on November 26, 2020

You can use the schematic diagram of your board. If the corresponding pin is brought out, see if there is a voltage conversion chip. If there is, you can use it directly. If not, you need to make a level conversion chip and you can use it.


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